Meeting Minutes & Documents

Master Planning Resources / General

PRESENTATION: Master Planning Discussion, April 4, 2022
PowerPoint presentation for the April 4, 2022 PMAC meeting, with Kate England (DCR) focused on the Master Planning process.-Uploaded 9/24/2022

View/Download: PMAC-And_Master_Planning_Discussion-APRIL4_2022.pptx

SWCP Master Planning Resources (OVERVIEW)
An initial set of resources and documents in support of park planning are posted on the PMAC documents page, at and we will continue to add to this collection of documents. During this year of master planning, PMAC seeks to help convene park users, park volunteers and neighbors from multiple interest groups and neighborhoods in support of the master planning process. Here is an initial list of some of the topics, interest groups and constituencies that we think will be important in the master planning process. The PMAC leadership team members bring together a variety of connections – please see the leadership team list, with affiliations (a living document that we will continue to update). Here is an initial brainstorm of topics and constituencies. Also please see the April 4, 2022 prese-Uploaded

View/Download: Southwest Corridor Park Master Planning Resources.docx

PMAC Leadership Team List / With Roles and Affiliations
Part of the compilation of master planning resources:


Master Planning Resources / Bike/Walking Paths

SWC Striping and Stenciling Pilot Request from PMAC
Shared with DCR, August/September 2022-Uploaded 9/24/2022

View/Download: SWCP Striping and Stenciling Request_From PMAC.pdf

2015 Bike/Walking Path Survey & Recommendations
Survey: In 2015, the Southwest Corridor Park Management Advisory Council (PMAC) conducted a survey of path users. The survey was well-received, with 595 responses and numerous insightful comments.

Results are shared on the BICYCLNG page on this website and also via the links below:

Bicycle-pedestrian path survey summary

Striping and Stenciling Recommendations [Word]

Map / Striping and Stenciling Recommendations [PDF]

Also please see the Fall 2022 Pilot Striping/Stenciling Request, also linked on this page.-Uploaded 9/24/2022

SW Corridor letter regarding e-bikes
-Uploaded 10/5/2021

View/Download: SW Corridor PMAC letter to Commissioner Montgomery re e-bikes 051221.pdf

Master Planning Resources / Dashboard

Park Dashboard
See the park dashboard pages at This dashboard was launched in 2020, recently revised, and is intended as a resource for park planning and information-gathering. -Uploaded

Master Planning Resources / Dogs and Dogwalking

Dog Park Site Selection Criteria - From PMAC - October 2018
-Uploaded 10/12/2018

View/Download: Dog_Park_Site_Selection_Critera_From_PMAC_October-2018.docx

"Miscellaneous Dog Park Related Items" from Nov. 2021 small group meeting
Miscellaneous items related to dog park location options, shared in a small group meeting with Craig Cashman (DCR legislative affairs) and Jenny Norwood (External Affairs)-Uploaded 9/24/2022

View/Download: Miscelaneous_Dog_Park_Files.pptx

Master Planning Resources / SWCP Extension

Southwest Corridor Park Extension Proposal / Background
Email memo with background information about the SWCP Extension proposal, from Nov. 2021-Uploaded

View/Download: GreenwayExtensionBackground.docx

SWCP Extension // Map 1
Map highlighting a possible first section of the SWCP Extension, with paths and dog park space. -Uploaded

View/Download: SWCPExtensionMap_Option1.pdf

SWCP Extension / Map 2
Map showing the area where the proposed SWCP Extension runs along the side of the orange line tracks, on the unused side of the tracks, across from the Southwest Corridor Park.

There has been extensive re-development in this area, including the new Burnett Street Garden, and the addition of a pathway and off-leash dog park space along the MBTA has been a long-time goal of neighborhood residents, with support from our state rep, from PMAC, and from the SNA neighborhood association.

Funds have been set aside by developers to support this project.-Uploaded

Master Planning Resources / Community Gardens

Community Garden Project Files
July 5, 2022 PMAC Meeting Presentation about the Commuhity Garden Improvement public-private partnership work.-Uploaded

View/Download: July 5 PMAC Meeting Presentation_2022_0701_small file size (3).pdf

Master Planning Resources / Mildred Hailey Redevelopment

Comment Letter - Mildred Hailey Building 2

View/Download: CommentLetter_MildredHailey_Building2_From_SouthwestCorridorPark_PMAC.pdf

Notes/Summary from Dec. 13th BPDA Meeting - MIldred Hailey Building 2
Email from Fred Vetterlein with notes from the Dec. 13, 2022 BPDA meeting about the Mildred Hailey Redvelopment, Building 2 design. We are advocating for attention to how the building and landscaping interacts with the Southwest Corridor paths.-Uploaded

View/Download: MildredHailey_Building2_Summary_of_Dec13_2022_Meeting.docx

Email/Notes -- proposing to reverse bike and walking paths at Jackson Sq.

Here are some notes about our desire for drawings of the Southwest Corridor Park bike path, showing the two sides of the path switched between Centre St. and Heath St. I`m attaching a rough image with screen prints from Google maps..

Currently, the path is a wide pathway at Centre St., with bollards showing which side is for bikes and which side is for pedestrians. If you are biking south-to-north from Centre St., at the community garden, the path becomes two separate paths, with the signage indicating that bikes stay to the left, closer to the MCH side, and pedestrians stay on the path that is to the right.

Starting at Centre St,. we would like to reverse these choices, so that bikes are farther away from the playground and farther away from pathways coming out from MCH.

To make this happen:

(1.) reverse signs and add striping/stenciling

(2.) widen the "new" bicycle side (but note that the land is sloped, so widening is a little challenging but I think do-able.)

(3.) ideally, the two paths should re-join alongside the basketball court and continue together through Heath Street. (Currently, the pedestrian path slopes down to a sidewalk after the basketball court, which is not ideal for pedestrians and even more not ideal for bikes.)

ALSO -- at Centre St. we plan to propose that BlueBikes move the station from the current location on the path to the side of the station. We haven`t made this proposal yet, but have discussed it with DCR staff.-Uploaded

Notes - Mildred Hailey Re-Development -March 2021
NOTES FROM Jennifer Leoanrd to design team & DCR - March 2021

Southwest Corridor Park – Connections with Bike Path

I would like to comment on the connections between the Southwest Corridor bike path and the new development plans. The PNF cites their 2018 study that shows that up there are up to ___ bicyclists per hour riding along the path at Jackson Sq., and so we want the design to reflect the importance of the bike path. We already know that the proximity of the bike path and the playground is awkward; and it can feel unsafe – almost like a busy street -- to children and families who use the playground. The playground and the path are both part of the park and so this is a DCR question, but the development potentially changes the flow of people back and forth, and so it’s relevant to the design.

Because of my roles with PMAC and with the Mildred Hailey Apts., I’ve been able to be in conversations with the development team about the layout of the plaza, playground, gardens and pathways. I’ve been really happy about some of the design modifications that improve the flow of people walking from the plaza to the playground and from the development to Jackson Square station. And I am happy that the development team is meeting with DCR, and that DCR’s administration is committed to paying attention to the project.

Some additional desired improvements will require collaboration with DCR, as well as with BlueBikes. I’m commenting to go on record to support the following steps, which involve changes on DCR property and BlueBikes; and to ask the development team to support these next steps.

1. Ask DCR to consider reversing the bike and walking sides of the path from Centre Street to the basketball court. This would move the higher speed bicycle traffic away from the playground and away from the pathways that lead from the development, for better sightlines.

2. Ask DCR and the development team to work together to coordinate paint striping and stenciling on the bicycle path during and after construction, to make the flow of bikes and pedestrians clear, and to make a visible signal that children may be crossing the bike path between the playground and the exercise equipment.

3. Ask DCR to consider moving one of the walking paths leading diagonally toward the station over by a few feet in order to create a more direct line to the station. (Though people will probably just walk on the grass anyway; but this would be a good design change.)

4. Advocate with BlueBikes to move the BlueBikes station in order to open up more room on the path behind the station. There are several other spots on MBTA and parkland that could be convenient locations for the BlueBikes station.


Master Planning Resources / Park Stewardship

Park Stewardship Resources
See the Southwest Corridor Park Conservancy website for the map of garden stewardship locations in Section 1:

Please see our Volunteer Stewardship Guide page for information about stewardship:


PMAC Monthly Meetings

PMAC-SWCPC Cooperation Agreement
-Uploaded 4/25/2017

View/Download: PMAC-ConservancyCooperationAgreement.doc

From DCR: Mission Hill and Stony Brook improvements.
DCR presentation in the October 2022 PMAC meeting-Uploaded

View/Download: Mission Hill and Stony Brook PPT 100322 rev. 1 (003) (1).pptx

Annual Report 2022

View/Download: Southwest_Corridor_Park_Annual_Report_2022.pdf

Southwest Corridor Mini-Grant RFP Summer/Fall 2023

View/Download: SWCP_Alliance_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2023.doc

PMAC Monthly Meetings

PMAC Meeting Minutes, December 6, 2017
-Uploaded 12/11/2017

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_December_6_2017.docx

January 2018 PMAC Agenda
-Uploaded 1/1/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Agenda_January_2018.docx

Minutes - January 2, 2018
-Uploaded 1/4/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_January_2_2018.docx

Minutes - Feb. 6, 2018 PMAC meeting
-Uploaded 2/12/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_February_6_2018.docx

PMAC Meeting Minutes - March 6, 2018
-Uploaded 3/10/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_March6_2018.pdf

Summary of February 2018 Rose Garden and Northampton Green Garden Survey
-Uploaded 3/17/2018

View/Download: SurveySummary_RoseGarden_NorthamptonGreen_February2018.pdf

Presentation made for the April 3, 2018 PMAC meeting, on the topic of park advocacy. (PowerPoint presentation)
-Uploaded 4/10/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Priorities_April3_2018_Advoacy_Meeting.pptx

Minutes from the April 3, 2018 PMAC meeting.
-Uploaded 4/10/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_April_3,_2018.docx

PMAC Meeting Minutes - May 1, 2018
-Uploaded 5/10/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_May_1_2018.pdf

Agenda for June 5th PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 6/5/2018

View/Download: PMAC_June5_2018_Agenda.docx

Minutes from the June 5, 2018 PMAC meeting.
-Uploaded 6/9/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_June_5_2018.docx

PMAC Meeting Minutes -- July 3, 2018
-Uploaded 7/12/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_July_3_2018.docx

Minutes - August 8, 2018 - PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 9/7/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_August_8_2018.docx

Minutes from the Sept. PMAC meeting
-Uploaded 9/25/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_Septermber_11_2018.docx

Minutes - October 2018 PMAC meeting
-Uploaded 10/5/2018

View/Download: Minutes_PMAC_October_2_2018.pdf

Minutes - October 2018 PMAC meeting
-Uploaded 10/5/2018

View/Download: Minutes_PMAC_October_2_2018.pdf

PMAC Annual Meeting Minutes - November 2018
-Uploaded 11/17/2018

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_November_15_2018.pdf

PMAC Annual Report. Also posted at
-Uploaded 11/17/2018

View/Download: 2018PMACAnnualReport.pdf

Meeting minutes - January 8, 2019
-Uploaded 1/14/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Minutes_January_8_2019.pdf

March 2019 PMAC Meeting Minutes
-Uploaded 3/8/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_March_5_2019.docx

Minutes from the April 2, 2019 PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 4/19/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_April_2_2019.docx

Mini-Grant Request for Proposals, 2019
-Uploaded 4/19/2019

View/Download: PMAC_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2019.doc

PMAC Meeting Agenda - May 7, 2019
-Uploaded 4/30/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Agenda_May7_2019.docx

Southwest Corridor Park Volunteer Manual (Spring 2019)
-Uploaded 4/30/2019

View/Download: SWCP_Volunteer_Guide.pdf

PMAC Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2019
-Uploaded 6/10/2019

View/Download: PMAC Meeting Minutes May 7 2019.docx

PMAC Meeting Minutes - June 4, 2019
-Uploaded 6/10/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Minutes_June4_2019.docx

Description of Summer/Fall 2019 Mini-Grant programs
-Uploaded 7/2/2019

View/Download: SummerFall2019_Mini_Grant_Programs_Descriptions.pdf

PMAC Monthly Meeting Minutes - July 2, 2019
-Uploaded 8/2/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_July_2_2019.docx

Meeting minutes - August 2019 PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 8/8/2019

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_August_6_2019.docx

2019 PMAC Annual Meeting Presentation - Slide Show
-Uploaded 11/13/2019

View/Download: SWCP_2019_Annual_Meeting_Virtual_Walk_Nov_12_2019_Saved_for_Web.pptx

2019 PMAC Annual Meeting Report
-Uploaded 11/13/2019

View/Download: 2019PMACAnnualReport.docx

Handouts from the Feb. 5, 2020 PMAC meeting, including information about Atherton St. Wildflower Garden and BNB Pumptrack Proposal.
-Uploaded 2/11/2020

View/Download: PMAC Meeting Feb 4 2020 Handouts.pdf

PMAC Meeting Minutes - Feb. 5, 2020
-Uploaded 2/11/2020

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_February_5_2020.pdf

Community Garden Guidelines During the COVID-19 Crisis. April 8, 2020
-Uploaded 4/8/2020

View/Download: Community_Garden_Guidelines_during_COVID_19_Crisis.docx

PMAC Meeting Minutes - May 5, 2020. Meeting was held via Zoom.
-Uploaded 5/18/2020

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_May_5_2020.pdf

Mini-Grant Request Form
-Uploaded 6/10/2020

View/Download: PMAC_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2020.doc

PMAC Meeting minutes - July 7, 2020
-Uploaded 7/9/2020

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_July_7_2020.pdf

Agenda - December 2015 PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC Meeting Agenda for December 2nd.doc

August 4, 2020 PMAC Meeting Minutes with Guest Presenter, Officer Claire Duffy, BPD Street Outreach Unit
-Uploaded 8/7/2020

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_August_4_2020.pdf

Handout - December 2015 Monthly Meeting - DRAFT - PMAC Membership Strategy
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC Membership Strategy 12 2 15.docx

PMAC Meeting Minutes - Sept. 8, 2020
-Uploaded 9/10/2020

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_September_8_2020.docx

Handout - December 2015 Monthly Meeting - DRAFT - PMAC Mini-Grant Concept
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC Mini Grant Idea.doc

PMAC meeting minutes - October 6th 2020
-Uploaded 10/11/2020

View/Download: PMAC_Meeting_Minutes_October_6_2020.pdf

Agenda, Sign-in sheet and handouts - January 2016 Monthly Meeting
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Jan.6.16 mtg agenda, sign in and handouts.pdf

Minutes - January 2016 Monthly Meeting
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC Monthly Meeting Minutes_January 2016.pdf

Minutes - November 2015 Monthly Meeting
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC Monthly Meeting Minutes_11.4.15.pdf

Draft of dashboard assessment
-Uploaded 11/11/2020

View/Download: Southwest_Corridor_Park_PMAC_Dashboard_Report_DRAFT.docx

Agenda - November 2015 Monthly Meeting
-Uploaded 1/22/2016

View/Download: PMAC_November2015_Agenda.doc

[1.] From the Nov. 2020 PMAC Annual Meeting. See the annual report presentation video at: [2.]
-Uploaded 11/11/2020

View/Download: PMACDashboardConcept_forAnnualMeeting.pptx

Soil Testing Links -- resources shared by Janet Powers as follow-up to her presentation "The Story Beneath Our Feet" about healthy soils.
-Uploaded 4/2/2021

View/Download: Soil_testing_Links.pdf

Mini-Grant announcement and application for Summer 2021
-Uploaded 4/13/2021

View/Download: PMAC_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2021.doc

Monthly meeting minutes - February 2016
-Uploaded 2/25/2016

View/Download: PMAC minutes February 2016.doc

Letter to DCR about e-bikes from various friends groups
-Uploaded 10/5/2021

View/Download: Letter to Commissioner Montgomery Regarding E-Bikes (04-29-21 updated 05-03-21) - Google Docs.pdf

Letter of support to BPDA from PMAC about 267 Amory St. (YES Youth Enrichment Services) project.
-Uploaded 10/5/2021

View/Download: Letter_Of_Support_267Amory_Street_From_SouthwestCorridorPark_PMAC.pdf

2021 PMAC Annual Report (PDF)
-Uploaded 11/9/2021

View/Download: 2021_PMAC_Annual_Report.pdf

You are Invited to DCR‘s Amory Park Walkway Entrance Public Information Meeting on Thursday, February 24th, 6pm-7:30pm
-Uploaded 2/4/2022

View/Download: Amory Park Walkway Entrance Public Information Meeting 2022-2-24.pdf

Amory Park Walkway Entrance Public Information Meeting: February 24, 2022 at 6:00-7:30 pm.
-Uploaded 2/4/2022

View/Download: Amory_Park_Walkway_Entrance_Public_Information_Meeting_2022_2_24.pdf

Minutes from the March 2016 monthly PMAC meeting
-Uploaded 4/6/2016

View/Download: PMACminutesMarch2016.docx

Agenda for the April 2016 Monthly PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 4/6/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Agenda_April6_2016.doc

Southwest Corridor Park Mini-Grant RFP - Summer 2022
-Uploaded 5/23/2022

View/Download: PMAC_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2022.doc

Southwest Corridor Park 2015 Highlights (PDF) 1 page plus cover letter
-Uploaded 4/8/2016

View/Download: Southwest Corridor Park 2015 Highlights_Feb2016.pdf

Rodent Control Resources and Information
Following up on recent PMAC meeting discussions about rodent (rat) issues, the following resources have been shared.

(1.) Massachusetts wildlife advocates want rat poison regulation to prevent owl, eagle deaths - CBS Boston

(2.) Rodenticides: Background & Hazards | Safe Rodent Control

(3.) The Internet Has a Rat Poison Problem | Audubon

(4.) Rats vs. raptors: How rodenticides are harming more than just rodents | TVO Today

(5.) Smart Boxes (see attached)-Uploaded 9/9/2022

View/Download: Smart Box.pdf

Handout from April 6th Monthly Meeting - PMAC Subcommittees
-Uploaded 4/8/2016

View/Download: Committees_PMAC_AsOfApril6.doc

Minutes from April 2016 Monthly PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 4/14/2016

View/Download: PMAC_April6_Meeting_Notes.doc

PMAC Meeting Minutes - May 2016
-Uploaded 6/1/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Minutes_May4_2016.doc

May 2016 - PMAC Park Stewardship & Horticulture Subcommittee Notes
-Uploaded 6/1/2016

View/Download: Park_Stewardship_Subcommittee_May2016.docx

PMAC Meeting Agenda - June 1, 2016
-Uploaded 6/1/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Agenda_June1_2016.doc

Agenda - July 6th PMAC Monthly Meeting
-Uploaded 7/4/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Agenda_Jully6_2016.doc

Minutes - June 1st PMAC Monthly Meeting
-Uploaded 7/4/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Minutes_June1_2016.doc

PMAC Monthly Meeting Minutes -- July 6, 2016
-Uploaded 7/20/2016

View/Download: PMAC Meeting Minutes July 6 2016.docx

Nov. 2022 PMAC Annual Meeting Presentation - Slide Show - Four Seasons in the Park.
-Uploaded 11/16/2022

View/Download: Annual_Meeting_Presentation_Nov_2022.pptx

August 2016 PMAC Meeting: Current Volunteer Opportunities
-Uploaded 7/30/2016

View/Download: SWCP_Volunteer_Opportunities.docx

August 2016 Monthly Meeting - General Notes on Public Safety
-Uploaded 7/30/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Notes_on_PublicSafety_July_2016.docx

August 3, 2016 - PMAC Monthly Meeting - AGENDA
-Uploaded 7/30/2016

View/Download: PMACAgenda_August3_2016.docx

Mini-grant RFP Summer 2016. PMAC issued this Request for Proposals in May 2016, inviting organizations to submit proposals for mini-grants to support youth and family programming.
-Uploaded 8/6/2016

View/Download: PMAC_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2016.doc

In partnership with Northeastern University and the Southwest Corridor Park, PMAC provided mini-grants in Summer 2016 to support youth and family programming and raise community awareness of the park. This is our first-ever mini-grant initiative.
-Uploaded 8/6/2016

View/Download: MiniGrantProjects.doc

Communication Strategies (And proposed name change!) Minutes of an August 22, 2016 ad hoc meeting on communications
-Uploaded 8/25/2016

View/Download: Minutes_Communications_August22.docx

Agenda - September 7, 2016 Meeting
-Uploaded 8/30/2016

View/Download: Agenda_PMAC_September7_2016.docx

Minutes - September 7 2016 PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 9/10/2016

View/Download: Minutes_PMAC_Sept7_2016.docx

Agenda - October 5 2016 PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 9/22/2016

View/Download: Agenda_Oct5_2016.docx

Minutes - October 5, 2016 PMAC Meeting (Annual Meeting)
-Uploaded 10/19/2016

View/Download: Minutes_PMAC_October 5 2016.docx

PMAC By-Laws: Approved October 5, 2016
-Uploaded 10/20/2016

View/Download: PMACBylaws2016.pdf

PMAC Meeting Agenda, December 7, 2016
-Uploaded 12/4/2016

View/Download: PMAC_Agenda_Dec7_2016.docx

PMAC Minutes - March 1, 2017
-Uploaded 4/21/2017

View/Download: PMAC_MINUTES_March1_2017.docx

April 2017 Updates (no meeting in April because of DCR JP dog park public meeting)
-Uploaded 4/21/2017

View/Download: PMAC_April_Updates_Minutes.docx

Mini-grant RFP Summer 2017
-Uploaded 4/21/2017

View/Download: PMAC_MiniGrant_RFP_Summer2017.doc

General approaches to public safety - PMAC Memo - Summer 2016 / Updated spring 2017
-Uploaded 5/16/2017

View/Download: General_approaches_to_public_safety_PMAC_memo_summer_2016.pdf

Minutes - May 2017 PMAC Meeting
-Uploaded 5/16/2017

View/Download: PMAC_MINUTES_May3_2017.docx

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